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5291 resource results

JNCC Report No. 500: Annex 6 – Refinements of tern Sterna sp. tracking data modelling (Phase 2)

Published date 2014-09 Size 974.85 KB File type pdf

Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland Refinements of tern Sterna sp. tracking data modelling (Phase 2) (Under Agreement C10-0206-0387) CONTRACT No: C10-0206-0387 Report submitted to: Joint Nature Con...

JNCC Report No. 607: Guide to Population Models used in Marine Mammal Impact Assessment - Guide to Population Models used in Marine Mammal Impact Assessment

Published date 2017-08 Size 1.4 MB File type pdf

JNCC Report No: 607 Guide to Population Models used in Marine Mammal Impact Assessment Sparling, C.E., Thompson, D. & Booth, C.G. August 2017 © JNCC, Peterborough 2017 ISSN 0963-8901 For further infor...

West of Wight-Barfleur MPA: Conservation Objectives - MCZ Conservation Objectives

Published date 2021-01 Size 229.48 KB File type pdf

Conservation objectives for West of Wight-Barfleur Marine Conservation Zone January 2021 What the conservation advice package includes The information provided in this...

Habitat Suitability Model for Zostera marina beds in the UK (2020)

Published date 2022-08 File type Other

This report describes methods used to pilot the use of JNCC Species Distribution Modelling (SDM) framework to model areas suitable for the establishment of subtidal seagrass beds, *Modiolus modiolus* ...

Anton Dohrn Seamount MPA: Supplementary Advice on the Conservation Objectives (SACO) - Anton Dohrn Supplementary Advice on Consevation Objectives

Published date 2018-03 Size 677.15 KB File type pdf

Supplementary Advice on Conservation Objectives for Anton Dohrn Seamount Special Area of Conservation March 2018 1 Contents Introduction ..................

MCZ Levels of Evidence – Addendum (2016) - MCZ Levels of Evidence (Addendum 2016)

Published date 2016 Size 554.55 KB File type pdf

1 MCZ Levels of Evidence Advice on when data supports a feature/site for designation from a scientific, evidence-based perspective January 2015 with addendum added November 2016 Written jointly by the...

MCZ Levels of Evidence (2011) - Levels of evidence required for the identification, designation and management of Marine Conservation Zones

Published date 2016 Size 1.29 MB File type pdf

Levels of evidence required for the identification, designation and management of Marine Conservation Zones Marine Conservation Zone Project Male Common Dragonet © Natural England/Paul Kay May 2011 Wr...

Benthic Impacts Tool User Manual - EMFF Benthic Impacts Decision Support Tool User Manual

Published date 2020-04 Size 2.61 MB File type pdf

EMFF Benthic Impacts Decision Support Tool User Manual Version 4.0 April 2020 2 Contents 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................

Procedural Guideline No. 1-5: Mosaicing of sidescan sonar images to map seabed features - Marine Monitoring Handbook: Procedural Guidelines (PG1-5. Mosaicing of sidescan sonar images to map seabed features)

Published date 2001 Size 1.3 MB File type pdf

Marine Monitoring Handbook March 2001 Edited by Jon Davies (senior editor), John Baxter, Martin Bradley, David Connor, Janet Khan, Eleanor Murray, William Sanderson, Caroline Turnbull and Malcolm Vinc...

JNCC FOI 201821 - Data

Published date 2018-07-23 Size 388.94 KB File type zip

JNCC FOI 201821#### Summary of detailsA request for a copy of all data held in the Marine Noise Registry (MNR) database, other than personal data, along with permission to re-use the data provided.Num...

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