5335 resource results
Benthic Impacts Tool User Manual - EMFF Benthic Impacts Decision Support Tool User Manual
Published date 2020-04 Size 2.61 MB File type pdfEMFF Benthic Impacts Decision Support Tool User Manual Version 4.0 April 2020 2 Contents 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................
Procedural Guideline No. 1-5: Mosaicing of sidescan sonar images to map seabed features - Marine Monitoring Handbook: Procedural Guidelines (PG1-5. Mosaicing of sidescan sonar images to map seabed features)
Published date 2001 Size 1.3 MB File type pdfMarine Monitoring Handbook March 2001 Edited by Jon Davies (senior editor), John Baxter, Martin Bradley, David Connor, Janet Khan, Eleanor Murray, William Sanderson, Caroline Turnbull and Malcolm Vinc...
JNCC FOI 201821 - Data
Published date 2018-07-23 Size 388.94 KB File type zipJNCC FOI 201821#### Summary of detailsA request for a copy of all data held in the Marine Noise Registry (MNR) database, other than personal data, along with permission to re-use the data provided.Num...
JNCC contracts over £10k (January 2017)
Published date 2017 Size 44.47 KB File type xlsxThese datasets are a monthly list of all contracts over £10,000 made by JNCC during 2017, published as part of the Government's commitment to transparency.
JNCC FOI 201821 - Response - Data held in the Marine Noise Registry (MNR) database
Published date 2018-07-23 Size 327.43 KB File type pdfFreedom Of Information Data held in the Marine Noise Registry (MNR) database For a Link to the FOI/EIR page visit: http://jncc.defra.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=6077 For further information about the Joi...
JNCC/Cefas Partnership Report No. 13: CEND 11/16 Cruise report – Annex 6.7 (metadata)
Published date 2017-10 Size 1.14 MB File type zipThis survey focused on the North Norfolk Sandbanks and Saturn Reef cSAC/SCI which is located in the southern North Sea, extending from about 40 km off the north-east coast of Norfolk. This cSAC/SCI en...
JNCC contracts over £10k (June 2017)
Published date 2017 Size 44.21 KB File type xlsxThese datasets are a monthly list of all contracts over £10,000 made by JNCC during 2017, published as part of the Government's commitment to transparency.
JNCC contracts over £10k (February 2017)
Published date 2017 Size 44.2 KB File type xlsxThese datasets are a monthly list of all contracts over £10,000 made by JNCC during 2017, published as part of the Government's commitment to transparency.
JNCC contracts over £10k (November 2017)
Published date 2017 Size 44.35 KB File type xlsxThese datasets are a monthly list of all contracts over £10,000 made by JNCC during 2017, published as part of the Government's commitment to transparency.
Chapter 2: The Yorkshire Dales karst - GCR Series No. 12. Karst and Caves of Great Britain: Chapter 2 (The Yorkshire Dales karst)
Published date 1997 Size 28.85 MB File type pdfKarst and Caves of Great Britain A.C. Waltham M.J. Simms A.R. Farrant and H.S. Goldie GCR Editor: D. Palmer JOINTNATURE ~- - CONSERVATION COMMITTEE tIi CHAPMAN & HALL London • Weinheim • New York • To...