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5291 resource results

UKBI 2022: Online version

Published date 2022-12-14 File type Other

Summary of the 2022 update of the UK Biodiversity Indicators, published on 14 December 2022.In the 2022 publication, released on 14 December 2022, six indicators were updated. Please note that an addi...

JNCC-Cefas Report No. 25: Wight Barfleur Reef and Bassurelle Sandbank – SAC Management Survey - Wight Barfleur Reef and Bassurelle Sandbank SAC Management Survey

Published date 2019-10-11 Size 14.15 MB File type pdf

JNCC/Cefas Partnership Report Series Report No. 25 Wight Barfleur Reef and Bassurelle Sandbank SAC Management Survey Whomersley, P. September 2019 © JNCC, Cefas 2019 ISSN 2051-6711 Wight Barfleur Reef...

JNCC Report No. 526: Mapping habitats and biotopes from acoustic datasets to strengthen the information base of Marine Protected Areas in Scottish waters – Phase 2 (Eastern Approaches to the Firth of Forth) - Mapping habitats and biotopes from acoustic datasets to strengthen the information base of Marine Protected Areas in Scottish waters

Published date 2014-09 Size 2.95 MB File type pdf

JNCC Report No: 526 Mapping habitats and biotopes from acoustic datasets to strengthen the information base of Marine Protected Areas in Scottish waters – Phase 2 Ian Sotheran & Oliver Crawford-Avis S...

JNCC Business Plan 2023/24 - JNCC Business Plan 2023 to 2024

Published date 2023-05 Size 982.02 KB File type pdf

JNCC Business Plan 2023 to 2024 Together for Nature, People, Planet Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................

The Barra Fan and Hebrides Terrace Seamount MPA: Conservation Advice Statements - The Barra Fan and Hebrides Terrace Seamount NCMPA Conservation Advice Statements

Published date 2018-03 Size 272.02 KB File type pdf

Statements on conservation benefits, condition & conservation measures for The Barra Fan and Hebrides Terrace Seamount Nature Conservation Marine Protected Area December 2020 http://jncc.g...

JNCC Report No. 691: Appendix 1 – Questionnaire - An Action Plan for making progress with using DNA to monitor terrestrial invertebrates - Appendix 1

Published date 2021-10-08 Size 701.49 KB File type pdf

Terrestrial invertebrate monitoring interests and barriers The main purpose of this survey is to inform a workshop and report by JNCC on the use of DNA in monitoring terrestrial invertebrates. JNCC is...

North West of Jones Bank MPA: Supplementary Advice on the Conservation Objectives (SACO) - North-West of Jones Bank MCZ Supplementary Advice on Conservation Objectives

Published date 2018-03 Size 530.55 KB File type pdf

Supplementary Advice on Conservation Objectives for North-West of Jones Bank Marine Conservation Zone March 2018 1 Contents What the conservation advice...

Developing the Evidence Base for Impact Assessments for Recommended dSACs and dSPAs

Published date 2015 Size 2.42 MB File type pdf

Joint Nature Conservation Committee Developing the Evidence Base for Impact Assessments for Recommended dSACs and dSPAs Report R.2462 November 2015 JNCC NOTE: A UK network of eight sites was identifie...

JNCC Report No. 615: Evidence base for application of Acoustic Deterrent Devices (ADDs) as marine mammal mitigation (Version 4) - Evidence base for application of Acoustic Deterrent Devices (ADDs) as marine mammal mitigation (Version 4)

Published date 2022-10 Size 1.39 MB File type pdf

JNCC Report No. 615 Evidence base for application of Acoustic Deterrent Devices (ADDs) as marine mammal mitigation (Version 4) McGarry, T., De Silva, R., Canning, S., Mendes, S., Prior, A., Stephenson...

Coastal birds and marine mammals of mid Dorset

Published date 1995 Size 12.47 MB File type pdf

Coastal birds and marine mammals of mid Dorset Richard White and Andy Webb Seabirds and Cetaceans Branch, Joint Nature Conservation Committee 17 Rubislaw Terrace, Aberdeen, AB1 OCE, United Kingdom Cov...

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