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5291 resource results

References, Glossary, Fossil Index & Index - GCR Series No. 29. British Lower Carboniferous Stratigraphy: References, Glossary, Fossil Index & Index

Published date 2004 Size 32.39 MB File type pdf

British Lower Carboniferous Stratigrapby P.J. Cossey Department of Geology, School of Sciences, Staffordshire University, College Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 2DE A.E. Adams Department of Earth Sciences, ...

Chapter 7: Derbyshire Platform, North Staffordshire Basin and Hathern Shelf - GCR Series No. 29. British Lower Carboniferous Stratigraphy: Chapter 7 (Derbyshire Platform, North Staffordshire Basin and Hathern Shelf)

Published date 2004 Size 17.62 MB File type pdf

British Lower Carboniferous Stratigrapby P.J. Cossey Department of Geology, School of Sciences, Staffordshire University, College Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 2DE A.E. Adams Department of Earth Sciences, ...

JNCC/Cefas Partnership Report No. 39: Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ, Orford Inshore MCZ, West of Wight-Barfleur MCZ and East of Start Point MCZ Survey Report 2021 - Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ, Orford Inshore MCZ, West of Wight-Barfleur MCZ and East of Start Point MCZ Survey Report 2021

Published date 2023-02 Size 4.56 MB File type pdf

JNCC/Cefas Partnership Report Series Report No. 39 Cromer Shoal Chalk Beds MCZ, Orford Inshore MCZ, West of Wight-Barfleur MCZ and East of Start Point MCZ Survey Report 2021 Stones, S., Bullimore, R.,...

The Distribution of Important Ash in Great Britain

Published date 2012 Size 137.62 KB File type pdf

The Distribution of Important Ash in Great Britain Anyone wishing for more information on identifying the disease, guidance on managing ash trees or the latest outbreak maps should go to the Forestry ...

Appendices describing the data used in the creation of Interim Chalara Control Plan - Appendices describing the data used in the creation of Interim Chalara Control Plan v1.3

Published date 2012 Size 464.94 KB File type pdf

Appendices describing the data used in the creation of Interim Chalara Control Plan Anyone wishing for more information on identifying the disease, guidance on managing ash trees or the latest outbrea...

North-East of Haig Fras MPA: Background Information - Background to JNCC’s formal conservation advice for UK offshore Marine Consveration Zones: North-East of Haig Fras MCZ

Published date 2021-01 Size 256.05 KB File type pdf

Background to JNCC’s formal conservation advice for UK offshore Marine Conservation Zones January 2021 1 What the conservation advice package includes The detail pr...

North-East of Haig Fras MPA: Advice on Operations

Published date 2021-01 Size 1.44 MB File type xlsx

The documents here form JNCC’s formal conservation advice for North-East of Haig Fras MPA and should be read in conjunction with each other. This advice reflects the most up-to-date evidence held by ...

North-East of Haig Fras MPA: Conservation Objectives - Conservation Objectives for the North-East of Haig Fras MCZ

Published date 2021-01 Size 278.67 KB File type pdf

1 Conservation objectives for North-East of Haig Fras Marine Conservation Zone January 2021 2 What the conservation advice package includes The most up-to-date cons...

Horse mussel beds - Scottish MPA Project Fisheries Management Guidance: Horse Mussel beds

Published date 2014 Size 90.31 KB File type pdf

1 Based on Version 1.1 of the fisheries management guidance Scottish MPA Project Fisheries Management Guidance HORSE MUSSEL BEDS JULY 20131 The fisheries management guidance has been produced to provi...

Shallow tide-swept coarse sands and burrowing bivalves - Scottish MPA Project Fisheries Management Guidance: Shallow Tide-Swept Coarse Sands with Burrowing Bivalves

Published date 2014 Size 61.23 KB File type pdf

1 Based on Version 1.2 of the fisheries management guidance Scottish MPA Project Fisheries Management Guidance SHALLOW TIDE-SWEPT COARSE SANDS WITH BURROWING BIVALVES JULY 20131 The fisheries manageme...

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